Medical School

Services for Medical School Students

Ranging in price from $800 to $11,700

Primary Essays Review, $900

This standalone service is suitable for clients who have written a draft of their primary application and want comprehensive, constructive, actionable feedback given within 5 business days. Availability of this option may be limited due to time constraints, email to inquire. 

Individualized Assessment & Plan, $900

Offers students an objective assessment of their medical school candidacy based on hard metrics (grades and scores) plus research, clinical, shadowing, volunteer, and leadership experience. Students will leave with a clear view of their strengths and weaknesses and direction on how best to proceed to maximize chances of acceptance, whether to proceed with application or take time to strengthen their candidacy. Includes one or two hour-long meetings and, where appropriate, two follow-up communications to monitor progress. This can be a standalone service or the first step toward more extensive advising. 

Hourly Advising, Block of 5 Hours, $1,500

Hours can be used for any portion of the med school application process as requested by the client, except for an Individualized Assessment & Plan, or a Primary Essay review of drafts. For a complete list of services, see below. 

Individualized Assessment & Plan
+ Comprehensive Advising


Includes the Assessment & Plan as described above, followed by comprehensive guidance throughout the med school application process. Highlights of the process include the Primary Application (Activities, Personal Statement and other essays); pre-writing guidance on Secondaries (supplemental essays), and interview preparation and practice. For a more complete list of services, Comprehensive includes advising and assistance with: 

  • Throughout, expert professional advice on the technicalities of applying and how to maximize your chances of acceptance to desired medical schools.

  • Calculating BCPM, activity categories, course classification, etc.

  • Eliciting life stories from coursework, extracurriculars, and beyond, that illustrate the applicant’s suitability to become a physician. 

  • Selecting Letters of Recommendation writers

  • Writing help

  • Selecting activities and “Most Meaningful” activities 

  • Developing impactful activity descriptions, cut to character count 

  • Developing, reviewing, and revising reflective “most meaningful” essays

  • Answering 5 pillar questions to create the Personal Statement

  • Constructing, writing, revising the Personal Statement 

  • Strategizing and selecting a list of medical schools 

  • Understanding and taking Situational Judgment Tests

  • Prewriting answers to common Secondary questions

  • Strategizing answers to “Why This Medical School” question

  • Provide ongoing feedback and guidance on secondary questions as they arrive

  • Interview preparation, including types of interview formats and how best to handle them. 

  • Practice interview questions

  • Tips for managing stress

  • As needed, advice on letters of continued interest and managing waiting lists. 

Payment Plans

Individualized Assessment & Plan + Comprehensive Advising Package may be paid in three installments of $3,900 each. First installment to be paid at signing, with additional payments made 30 days and 60 days after signing. The last payment should be received by March 1 of the application year. For clients starting after March 30, all payments will be due before June 1.

* InsightEd understands the critical need for underrepresented groups to be more visible as medical professionals. To that end, Pro Bono or very low cost options may be available. Contact to discuss.

Why Hire Ilene?

I work with you through thick and thin to make sure you submit the best application you possibly can. I have a long history in writing and editing in the education field, starting at Scholastic, Inc, and moving on to work with professors, doctoral students, and not-for-profit organizations. I recently co-authored two books on learning and health through the lens of yoga and mindfulness.* A sensitive interviewer and crackerjack editor, I can help you articulate why you both fit the model of a successful med school student and future doctor, and also are a unique, interesting individual that the admissions faculty wants to invite to their school. I spent two years immersing myself in the world of med school admissions before starting InsightMed, and I continue to attend conferences, webinars, and roundtables, listen to podcasts, and generally learn from the best. For more than 25 years I’ve had a front-row seat to medical education and practice through a physician I’m close (married) to, an attending and Associate Professor at an Ivy League medical school. I know well and deeply respect the intelligience, dedication, and drive required to become a successful physician. I’m thrilled to apply my skill and expertise to help you accomplish your medical school dreams.

*The Yoga Life by Ilene S. Rosen, M.Ed, Robert Butera PhD, and Jennifer Hilbert, MSc (Llewellyn Publications, 2021); Yoga and Mindfulness for Young Children: Poses for Play, Learning, and Peace (Redleaf Press, 2019)